By Stephen Wilson
Some dreams you never forget. They convey a vivid and vibrant resonance which leave an
indelible mark on your mind. For instance I
recall I was walking around a school and
entered a gym hall where I heard a lot of
shooting, then coming across some cellar
full of frozen corpses of what looked like
tiny children all laid out. I could hear all kinds
of sirens and then barriers being erected around a school where the police were forbidding
people from entering the school. I could hear
all kinds of weeping, wailing and anguish. Then
I noticed the contorted face of a strange adult
just staring straight at me . I woke up from
this dream feeling shattered. I thought to myself this is not just any dream but an omen of terrible events to come . For in Scotland the belief in the second sight remains quite strong and I have had quite a few unwelcome dreams
about imminent events. I pulled myself together and sketched the face of that odd person I had seen in the dream. Then I phoned my old friend, a teacher, Wayne Rimmer ,who
also happened to be living in Moscow along
with me. I told him : "Look ,I have had a terrible
dream of someone murdering many young
children. Maybe I should warn the police
some where. " Wayne replied : "Have you not
heard the news Stephen ? " I answered :"No
have not. I don't have a T.V. or radio here!"
"Well a madman walked into a school in Scotland and shot dead a lot of school children ". I could hardly believe it. I first
presumed that the mass killings must have
happened in America and Russia! I would
never have guessed it could have happened
in my own country of all places ! I mean after
all , we have far stricter gun laws in Scotland
than America. Scotland is not America.
I later learnt that an embittered and unbalanced businessman who had been thrown out of the scout movement and
shunned by the community for being a
suspected pedophile had entered a school
in Dunblane and shot dead 16 school children
and a teacher as well as wounding many
others . After this ,a mass campaign in
Scotland succeeded in banning all access to
handguns. The figures of the shooting are
exactly the number of those callously murdered in the February 14th American
shooting in Florida : 17. It is perhaps no
accident that the families of the victims of
this former killings which took place on 13th
March 1996 sent a moving message to
the American school children fighting for
tighter gun control. They told them that they
would be with them in spirit on the 24th of
March in America . They offered strong
moral and spiritual support.
The mass demonstrations on the 24th of
March represent an unprecedented event.
Never before have we witnessed such an
enormous mass protest related to gun control.
The main speakers who were survivors of
the shooting gave moving and stirring speeches than can't fail to inspire more movement for change. Speakers stated that if politicians don't do anything to support
gun control they could : 'Vote them out' and that 'prayers and thoughts are not enough'.
One 17 year old student , Edna Chavez,
stated : "Arming teachers will not work, more
security in our schools does not work, zero
tolerance police do not work . They make us
feel like criminals . We should feel supported
and empowered in our schools ".
The granddaughter of Martin Luther King
gave a passionate speech on behalf of all
the African American women who had been
shot dead by police " . Often news reports
don't give adequate or any coverage of those
victims who are just treated as numbers of
some statistics rather than the beautiful
and lively persons they once were.
The school children and their allied adults
seem to know what they are about and how
to go about achieving their aims . Just reading
their recently published manifesto of demands
indicates a highly articulate and sophisticated
stance. The manifesto comprises demands
calling for a ban on the sale of high velocity
semi automatic weapons , an increase in
background checks as well as raising the
minimum purchase of rifles to 21. The
manifesto was originally published in Eagle
Eye. It is worth quoting some of the
manifesto. "We cannot stand idly by as the
country continues to be infected by a plague
of gun violence that seeps into the community
after community does irreparable damage to
the hearts and minds of the American people.'
The manifesto raises the question as to why
it is okay to defend the Second amendment
yet block research into the impact of gun
violence ? Doesn't this violate the First
amendment to free speech and expression?
The absurdity of the current law is expressed
by children who claim : " In a few months
from now, many of us will be turning 18. We
will not be able to drink: we will not be able
to rent a car . Most of us will not be able to
buy hand guns and yet we will be able to
purchase an Ar-15. Why is it that we will be able
to legally obtain a weapon that has the ability
to fire over 150 rounds and kill 17 people in
about 6 minutes?'
'We are the firsthand witnesses to the kind of
devastation that gross incompetence and
political inaction can produce.' It seems that
just as in the Hans Christen Anderson tale,
only children can see the emperor is wearing
no clothes. Until everyone else notices the
emperor has lost his senses we will never
truly wake up from recurring nightmares!