Friday, September 18, 2020

Roaming Charges

The Media and all its Craziness

By Jim Vail 

The media is in a pickle these days. We have a president who was elected by attacking the media and calling it fake news.

I have worked in the newspaper business for many years and know that the end is just around the corner. The Internet and all the social media have replaced good reporting and investigative reporting. 

But I can't say that the newspaper is perfect. I have struggled myself reporting for a community newspaper called Inside Publications that is run by a very right-wing publisher. He promotes pro-police war on crime reports, supports pro-empire statues like Columbus, is very disdainful of the poor and is against taxing the rich (libertarian), etc. 

His newspaper is in danger of dying the death of the hundreds that have perished due to the lack of advertising that was usurped by the googles and facebooks and craigslists. I can't say I feel sorry for him.

The media is owned by big money interests and supports big business. The New York Times is biased in support of the U.S. State Department and promoted the war in Iraq. The Washington Post was bought by Jeff Bezos and thus promotes his warped pro billionaire anti-worker reality. The Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times are similarly owned by big business interests that are anti-union/anti-workers. They are capitalists.

These mainstream papers are not even covering the trial of the century - the U.S. government's persecution of Julian Assange and Wikileaks and the attack on our freedom of the press. They do not write about this trial and its attack on our Constitutional right because they are owned by big business, not the people.

One fantastic website I read is Counterpunch edited by Jeffrey St. Claire, who started it with the late/great Alexander Cockburn, a former reporter and columnist for The Village Voice. Together they wrote an amazing book about the CIA and its crimes against people around the world called Whiteout.

As my friend John stated so clearly and matter of factly - the horrible situation we find ourselves in today as a country is because this government is run by the capitalists for the ruling class, not a government run by socialists for the people.

And voting for either ruling class candidate A or ruling class candidate B will not change that.

Roaming Charges,, Jeffrey St. Clair ...

The air in Oregon has been almost unbreathable for the last 10 days.

+ So who’s the key architect of Biden’s climate policy? Not AOC. Not Jay Inslee. Not Tom Steyer. Not Bill McKibben. Not Michael Mann. But pro-nuke, pro-natural gas, pro-fracking, pro-industrial solar…Ernest Moniz. 

+ Sean Worsley, a disabled Iraq War vet, was arrested for marijuana possession while driving through Alabama from his home state of Arizona, where he has been legally prescribed the herb. If convicted, he could face five years in the notorious Alabama prison system.

+ As searing new study from RAND economists Carter Price and Katheryn Edwards describes in stark detail the state of economic inequality in America and how the top 1% of the country seized more than $50 trillion–that’s TRILLION–from the bottom 90% over the last 45 years.

+ Even domesticated sheep would be embarrassed by this kind of herd imbecility: 82% of Democrats and 16% of Republicans support single-payer healthcare when told that Obama supports it. When instead told that Trump supports it, Dem support drop to 46% and Rep support increase to 44%.

+ Daniel Ellsberg on the extradition trial of Julian Assange: “The American press is staring right down the barrel at the use of the Espionage Act against American journalists and publishers for doing journalism.”

+ According to the new release from the Social Progress Index, the USA, with the highest GDP in the world, ranks #91 in access to quality basic education, and #97 in access to quality health care—worse than many “developing” countries.

+ Whether you believe the science or not, this is happening: Two massive Antarctic glaciers are tearing loose from the ice sheet. The loss of either glacier could trigger the broader collapse of the West Antarctic ice sheet itself, “which contains enough ice to eventually raise seas by about 10 feet.”

+ A new study estimates that two-thirds of the world’s wildlife populations have been eliminated by “human activity” in the last 50 years, with the sharpest declines occurring in Latin American and the Caribbean.

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