Monday, February 8, 2021

CFL Meeting

Report of the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL) Delegates Meeting

By George Milkowski


1. From the Minutes of the Executive Board, February 2, 2021

The CFL’s Executive Board met on February 1, 2021.  The new Speaker of the House, Rep. Emanuel “Chris” Welch addressed the meeting and pledged to be a friend of working families of Illinois and will continue to oppose any “right to work” (for less) laws.

The E-Board unanimously passed a resolution “celebrating the speakership of Speaker Michael J. Madigan”.

The CFL has been assisting in helping numerous food distribution drives and the CTU’s back to school drive with school supplies for students.  Special thanks was given to the Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 73.

The CFL is sponsoring virtual fundraisers for Chicago Alderpersons Cardona, Hadden, Rodriguez, Vasquez on February 10 and for Ald. Nugent on March 3.

The E-Board approved a measure to increase the number of people on its Finance Committee from 3 to 5 and on its Executive board from 25-27.

2. President’s Report

President Bob Reiter presented a resolution to honor recently deceased member Bob Simpson.  He was a leader of his union and a key figure in the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists.  This passed unanimously.

Pres. Reiter presented the resolution “celebrating” the speakership of Mike Madigan.  Although it passed, I and fellow CTU delegate John Kugler voted “no” on this.  I do not feel Madigan was a friend of the CTU. He kept a brick on the bill to establish an elected, representative school board in Chicago and did nothing for 25 years to restore full bargaining rights to the CTU by working to repeal the 4.5 Amendatory Act.

A number of changes to the CFL constitution were approved, including the expansion of the number of members on the Finance Committee and the E-Board.

Pres. Reiter spoke of the ongoing conflict between the CTU and the CPS over in person learning.  He said, “we got your back” and gave kudos to Jesse Sharkey for how well he represents the workers.

Reiter also lauded the Biden administration for the nomination of a pro-labor Secretary of Labor and a pro-labor counsel for the National Labor Relations Board.  He said that now that Biden is in office we need to keep up the pressure to get a raise in the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour (it is currently $7.25) and to get enactment of the Protect the Right to Organize (PRO) Act.

Pres. Reiter announced that John Sweeney, former president of the AFL-CIO had died.  Also, Joel Daly, former well known Chicago newscaster and strong unionist, had passed away, too.

3. Good and Welfare

Scott Marshall, retired union steelworker and head of the local chapter of Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees (SOAR – of which I am a member) stressed that with the change in administration in Washington that we are at a “tipping point” to win on labor issues so we need to keep pressure on the politicians.

Robert Bartlett of the West Suburban Teachers said that Cicero teachers are facing the same issues as the CTU is.  He said the CTU is setting important precedents for all.

Andy Grimm of the Chicago Newspaper Guild urged everyone to subscribe to the digital version of the Chicago Sun-Times, which is partially owned by the CFL.  A year’s subscription is only $30.  He also said that the Chicago Reader (backward letter R), which concentrated on bars, restaurants and entertainment, is hurting because most bars, restaurants and entertainment no longer exist due to the pandemic.  He asked if people would make a contribution to it because, as a non-profit, it would be tax deductible.

CTU Delegate Debby Pope said schools are unsafe for faculty, staff and students.  Many students come from multi-generational homes that could be impacted if a student brought the virus home.  Also, a large number of students are homeless (about 15,00 the last I heard) and are living in homeless shelters where contagion could quickly spread.  She asked the CFL for backing if we feel we have to strike.

Sheila Gainer – UniteHere Local 1 –asked for support of a proposed ordinance which would require hotels to rehire laid off workers first with their seniority intact once the pandemic is controlled and hotels start getting business again.

Elijah Edwards – AFSCME – urged everyone to get the COVID 19 vaccine from whatever company is producing it as soon as they can.

Lastly, Keith Richardson wants us to push Biden to quickly appoint members to the U.S. Postal Service Board to start rebuilding and improving the system.  There are currently four vacant positions on their board.

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