Monday, July 29, 2013

Politics as Usual with Deb Mell?
By Jim Vail

Nobody could be surprised when mayor Rahm Emanuel named state rep Deb Mell to replace her father as the alderwoman of the 33rd ward recently.

I read an old 2004 Reader story about an election where Cook County assessor Joe Berrios's daughter ran for state rep against an independent, spunky challenger. 

Berrios lavishly funded his daughter's campaign and used his political machine muscle to disrupt the challenger's plans, and even offered to slate her opponent as a judge if he would drop out.

When a reporter asked Berrios if this was fair, the powerful politician said, why I would hope everyone would support their daughter.

That is exactly what papa Mell did, by calling it quits mid-term and having the mayor name his daughter as the replacement.

What is funny are all the lies and silliness they throw out to the public to keep them roped into thinking we have any fairness in this political arena.

Emanuel had to say the process would be fair and he would set up a commission to interview candidates for the position before choosing Dick Mell's successor. 

Well, that of course was a joke.  In fact, sources close to one of the candidates say that the 10 candidates were interviewed by telephone and told they could not say anything to anyone about the questions in the interview.

So much for transparency and openness Mr. Mayor. 

Anytime someone talks garbage like this, it is obvious they do the opposite. Emanuel's administration, like the previous Daley one, is all about inside deals, nepotism, and lying to the public about openness and "change."

The key, or hope, is to hold these people accountable.  That is up to us.

I met Deb Mell on several occasions to speak about issues of concern to us public school teachers.

She listened, showed concern and was very quick, asking excellent questions.

She appears fair, however, her roots are tied to the democratic political machine.

Which means we the people, have to do our homework and apply the right kind of pressure.  If we don't demand it, it will continue to be politics as usual, the one who pays the piper calls the tune.

It's a fight between hope vs. hopelessness in this country.  And right now the later is winning.

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