Monday, December 30, 2013

Political Catastrophe

Sun Times Pundits Pushing Dems?
By Jim Vail

When I saw the Sun Times Dec. 29th screaming headline "Illinois unions' strength will be put to test in year ahead" I naturally decided to read the story.

(Kudos to their headline writers!)

Quite alarmist, right?  Oh no, the unions are going to have an even rougher year ahead.

The story fell into the predictable and tired format of, 'oh my God, the horrible republicans are vying for the governorship, what do the poor unions do?'

Of course, back the democrat in the race to be Illinois governor.

The republicans play their part well.  They're the boogie man in the political arena.  Quick, swallow your pride and vote because we can't afford to have George W. Bush in the White House.  Or, let's back Obama's re-election even though things keep getting worse because we all know how evil republican challenger Mitt Romney is.

And now once again we got another horrible republican running for governor - Bruce Rauner.  The extremely wealthy hedge fund guy who says the unions are horrible and control the state.

What do they say, repeat a lie long enough and people will believe it. The New York Times gave White House lies credibility to wage war on Iraq.  

Today corporate media give corporate whores like Rauner and Quinn credibility in their war on the working class.

When you read the Sun Times Natasha Korecki's article, you get the facts from the ruling class.  Bruce Rauner says Springfield is controlled by the unions. Korecki doesn't dare point out the truth, that it's actually rich corporations that control our state's politics. 

But no need for the truth - let the lies become facts!

So you have the democrat party clown Pat Quinn who made it his mandate to attack the unions by forcing the state to pass a reactionary anti-pension bill, and then chose Paul Vallas and his anti-union credentials as his running mate.

Can you get any more anti-union than that?

It's so laughable to hear a wacko like Rauner proclaim the unions, which represent the working class, as the villains, and multi-millionaires like himself, as the victims.

Instead of being laughed at and ridiculed, he's taken serious by Ms. Korecki and her ilk.  That's because the Sun Times and the Tribune are propaganda for the ruling class. 

You need to read online blogs like Secondcityteachers, Subtance News and Mike Klonsky's Small Talk, as well as other lesser known publications,  that are media for the working class.

Are there any other worker newspapers out there?  Some, like Revolution Newspaper ( proclaim extreme leftist political views such as communism and socialism, and those people are not allowed to be democrats, according to the party's by-laws.

The Sun Times article mentions that Rauner is the unions' "worse nightmare" (really?) and just look at how much money he is raising (we can't say it's so totally corrupt, of course, because people need to think this is all legitimate).

When it comes to the republican nightmare, I asked our Chicago Teachers Union vice president Jesse Sharkey who was worse on education policy in this country - George W. or Barak Obama?  

That's not an easy question, and I didn't expect Jesse to answer it.

Of course, there is no real difference between the two parties. They work really well together.

Their job is to make people vote. To make people believe in this horrible system.

Because no matter how bad off you are, it could get worse.


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