Friday, January 17, 2014

State Rep Race

Mel Running for Mell's Old Seat
By Jim Vail

The political system we have is bankrupt.

It is totally corrupt and controlled by big money interests.

But still, there are lonely hearts out there who continue to try to break through.

In the 40th district where I live in Albany Park, there is a fellow teacher running to unseat another democratic machine candidate.

Meet Melanie "Mel" Ferrand, a librarian at Pierce Elementary School, who plans to replace Deb Mell, the political machine daughter of Dick Mell.  Her father retired and gave his daughter his aldermanic seat.

Already, the political conspiracy wheels are spinning.  

Mel - the teacher is spelled with one L - was just recently knocked off the ballot for turning in the wrong application form.

She plans to fight it and is out strong campaigning with a team of volunteers.

She told Second City Teacher it was her lawyer's fault. She smiled and said one could make the case the machine set her up.

But she has no idea.

She said this after I commented to her that I could not find her website when she was on the ticket.  

I told her the machine must have been patrolling the online airwaves and googled her off the websites listings.

George Schmidt at Substance News told me before when he was researching the Pritzker family that the billionairess has her techies clean up internet searches for the family name.  I ran a fascinating story on our news blog about how these billionaires manipulate the tax system and paid to get Obama elected and there are reports of ties to the Jewish mafia during the New Deal days.  However, when you Google her, all you find is the wonderful philanthropic stuff they do.

Another interesting name on the ballot is Aaron Goldstein, who was the attorney for the former governor Blagoyevich, now behind bars.

Blagoyevich is Dick Mell's son-in-law.  He was no more corrupt than your average politician who didn't get caught. But according to the law, it is highly questionable how the impeachment survived the legal process.

Anyway, Blagoyevich did some anti democrat party things, like push health care for all children, let senior citizens ride the CTA for free and allow the elderly to purchase much cheaper prescription drugs across the border.

Today, thanks to Obamacare, it is now illegal for the elderly to go to Canada to buy affordable drugs.

Can you believe this shite? 

Anyway, Second City Teacher will try to meet up with both candidates seeking to unseat Mell's henchman Jaime Andrade, a machine hack like Mell's daughter.  He recently voted to destroy state pensions, and aims to do it again upon Mike Madigan marching orders, for Chicago teachers.

But just because you're a teacher doesn't mean a hill of beans when it comes to politics. Andrade's wife is also a teacher.

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