Candidates Charge Dirty Tactics in Pension Election
By Jim Vail
Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) members are voting to elect two teacher trustees to the Chicago Teacher's Union Pension Fund (CTPF) amidst accusations of dirty campaigning and charges of racism at the fund.
Tina Padilla, a current trustee, is running with Catherine Cunningham-Yee on the CORE ticket against Mary Esposito-Usterbowski and Phillip Weiss with Members First.
Teachers can vote Nov. 2 - 6 at
Members First complained that CTU employees were calling teachers to campaign for the CORE pension trustees and were identifying themselves as delegates or CTU members, but not their caucus affiliation. They say it gives the impression that the union has endorsed these candidates which it has not.
Core countered that the accusations were false to give the impression that they are intentionally spreading disinformation to make it appear the CTU is trying to unfairly tilt the election. They pointed out that Sherri Parker who was phone banking to get out the vote for Core correctly identified herself as a CTU member, delegate and PSRP leader and wasn't trying to deceive anyone.
The election for two teacher trustee positions comes at a critical time when CTPF President Jeffery Blackwell wrote a letter that he read at a recent pension fund board meeting where he accused employees and trustees of racism and pressure from the CTU to make political hires at the fund.
It's gotten so bad that Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a bitter foe of the CTU, has commented to the mainstream media that she is concerned about the pension fund.
Teachers and retirees take note, if the mayor who represents business interests is concerned, that is not a good thing. Businesses have been pressuring state politicians like Madigan to cut public worker pensions just like they did in the corporate sector.
The Members First candidates noted in a facebook election campaign video that the fund has lost over 2 percent of its value in the last three months. However, this is only partly true according to one trustee. The fund has lost 2.5 percent over the last year.
Why is the fund down and why all the chaos?
There are no simple answers here.
Second City Teachers will take an in-depth look in our next article at these very questions in order to better understand things. It is especially critical to hold highly-paid fund managers and trustees accountable when it comes to managing the retirement of teachers.
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Mary Esposito-Usterbowski is running with Members First for teacher pension trustee. She currently works as a school psychologist and has been a teacher member of the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF) since 1998. |
The caller states that she is calling from the Chicago Teachers' Union. There are copies of the phone call.....