Monday, June 17, 2019

Teacher Attacks

By Stephen Wilson

"School teachers are losers afflicted with their own complexes who are not
in a condition to develop themselves. In general, they are not capable of
being transformed or changed ... Of course, each school has its star teacher
which amounts to one out of five teachers. The rest of the teachers are a
grey mass ... A person must master a profession, be it a historian,
mathematician, physicist or foreign language teacher, then afterwards he or
she should learn the modern methodology of teaching and the psychology
of teaching children," declared Ivan Fedotov in a speech to the International
Forum at Saint Petersburg. Fedotov is a rector of a University of Economics.

This boorish speech which echoes the blatant contempt of the Prime-Minister
Medvedev who suggested low-paid teachers should go out and start a small
business if they are unsatisfied with their pay, aroused an angry response
from many teachers. He was described as 'out of touch', 'an uncultured
buffoon' and 'hypocrite'. "Let him do a job as a school teacher". "He should
be fired " for this insult. One teacher, Tamara stated: "We teachers do a
thankless job. We have mountains of paperwork, stress and work with difficult
children. This so-called expert needs to offer a public apology".

Like many rectors, Fedotov earns about 20 times the salary of an average
school teacher or lecturer. According to a declaration of income in 2013,
his pay amounted to a staggering 9,319,395 rubles a year and he owns
a Harley Davidson Xl 1200 as well as a collection of expensive cars.
Compare this salary to a teacher who at most obtains about 70 or 80
thousand rubles a month in Moscow.

Fedotov, who is supposed to be an academic, never clarifies or defines
what he regards as 'a successful teacher' as opposed to 'a loser'. Is
a teacher a loser because he has a low salary, fails to get his students
through exams or upgrades his skills? It is not entirely clear so Fedotov
comes across as just another angry and ill-tempered official who has woken
up with a hang over. But if he took himself the trouble to be acquainted with
some recent research he would find that Russian English school teachers
did a great job in successfully preparing students for the Unitary State
exam. Instead of teachers being applauded for this, the Minister of Education
stated: "We have to make the English exam harder ". It was as if the English
exam was not difficult enough! Some International research indicated that
Russian school teachers are the most qualified and educated teachers in
Europe. They enthusiastically seek to upgrade and perfect their skills. Many
teachers often don't have the time or the resources to improve their skills. Yet
what amazes the outsider most is how Russian school teachers manage to
accomplish so much despite so many trying obstacles.

What is unfair are the double standards! If a teacher described a politician or
official in the same language as this rector he could be liable to a heavy
fine and imprisonment. For example, if you called Putin 'a thief' or 'a loser'
you could be fined 300,000 rubles for insulting a public official. A recently
passed law renders it illegal to express 'disrespect' of an official or politician.
It is okay for an official to insult teachers, but quite another for teachers to
insult an official. An attempt to make it illegal for a politician or official to
insult the public was of course rejected by the Duma. But what would one
expect from politicians?

So much for freedom of speech or academic freedom. An academic is obliged
to at least clearly define what he exactly means and at least offer evidence
to support his arguments. I don't see any of this in Fedotov's speech. It just
seems yet another inarticulate anti-teacher rant. At least school teachers go
beyond the academic. Fedotov falls below the academic. He is just way below
the belt.

One of the best ways you could attempt to improve educational standards at
schools and in institutions would be for teach people to be polite. What makes
a great school teacher is not just qualifications, practical skills and knowledge
but being polite to your students in the deepest sense. Politeness at the highest
level implies loving respect. A good teacher loves his or her students. Now if a
teacher doesn't love other teachers, you can hardly be astonished if they don't
also love their own pupils.

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